Social Studies
*Examine President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and the origins and impact of Head Start
*Understand the role of philanthropy in a democracy
*Reflect on the principles of democracy using a first person narrative
English Language Arts
*Examine the value and virtue of human dignity
*Examine the principles of democracy using a first person narrative
*Examine perspective taking from the point of view of one philanthropic leader
*Explore the idea of purposeful work and a meaningful life
*Use Darren Walker’s episode as evidence to write a rhetorical argument, commentary, ors ynthesis essay
Social Emotional Learning: By offering engaging personal narratives, students can discuss and strengthen the five SEL competencies - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Media Literacy: Students will practice media literacy skills by analyzing information, points of view, and claims made in The Thread and be able to translate these strategies with all forms of media to make more informed decisions.