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“To know what has come before is to be armed against despair."

- Jon Meacham


The Soul of America - Documentary Feature (2020) - Resources: Screening Guide, Lessons, Interviews - Resources-Items - Life Stories

Screening Guide

The Screening Guide is designed for high school classroom teachers, community screening facilitators, and college professors to engage with the feature-length version of The Soul of America. The film is an informative and inspiring complement to teaching US history, government, and civics. This guide contains a statement from the filmmaker, background information on Jon Meacham, and suggested questions for pre- and post-screening discussion.


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The six classroom lessons will strengthen students’ historical thinking by examining periods of American history when our better angels stood as a counterbalance to our worst instincts. Students will evaluate Jon Meacham’s argument using historical evidence, apply his perspective to current events, and construct an argument of their own on what comprises the "soul of America."

These full-length interviews were completed in the production of The Soul of America, representing first person testimony, civil rights activitists, and scholars.

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