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“I might have turned eventually to the gun or the knife to survive, but by then I had chosen the camera"

- Gordon Parks


A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks - Documentary Feature (2021) - Resources: Screening Guide, Lessons, Interviews - Resources-Items - Life Stories

Screening Guide

The resources for A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks support creative and dynamic conversations about Gordon Parks and the ways his trailblazing work continues to inspire artists and filmmakers today. The Screening Guide includes background information, screening tips, discussion questions, and opportunities to engage more deeply with topics and images included in the documentary. This content is appropriate for adult learners, school-age classrooms, museum programs, and youth arts organizations.


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The six lessons can be easily used with adult learners, middle, high school, and college classrooms, museum programs, and youth art organizations. The activities and clips emphasize the value of observation, building authentic relationships and developing empathy, and engaging in activities connected to Parks’ artistic practices. 

We recommend reading the Introduction first as you plan for implementation of the lessons.

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23 full-length interviews with filmmakers, photographers, art historians, critics, family members, and friends were filmed for A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks. In this collection, they share insight, remembrances, and reflections on personal, professional, and creative relationships with Gordon Parks.

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