Richard Avedon photographs Renata Adler, April 1975, Patmos, Greece.
Renata Adler was Born in Milan, Italy, in 1938, but quickly moved with her family to America in 1939 where they initially settled in New York, but then moved to Danbury, Connecticut. Adler attended Bryn Mawr College, the University of Paris, and Yale Law School. She is known for her unabashed honesty as a New Yorker and New York Times journalist and film critic, and has also written essay collections, political speeches, and novels, including Politics and Media: Essays (1988) and Pitch Dark (1983). Her book, After the Tall Timber (2015) is a collection of her greatest nonfiction pieces, amassing over 500 pages. Adler taught at Boston University (BU) for several years. She served as a Visiting Professor of Journalism and a Fellow of the University Professors Program at BU until 2006.
“People who are less happy, I find, are always consoling those who are more.” Renata Adler