Mario Sprouse is a well-known musician, arranger, composer, and musical director. His parents immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic in 1929 and would meet in Harlem and begin their family after the war. After moving to the Bronx in 1950, the family would begin living on Ritter Place, where each household showcased musical ability, and stars such as Maxine Sullivan lived just down the street. Around the mid-70s, Mario Sprouse would create his first record, entitled The Sounds of the City Experience (1976). Sprouse would then go on to become the musical director for Hunter College’s SEEK program, while simultaneously continuing to play his music at various venues throughout the Bronx. Some years later, Sprouse would utilize his musicologist degree by transcribing and aiding in the production for Mr. Gordon Parks’ music. Sprouse worked hard as Parks’ musical assistant and made a name for himself in the music industry, continuing to be successful today.
"If anyone thinks the arts are not necessary, try going through a time like this without music. Someone recorded it for you. It’s an opportunity.” Mario Sprouse