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S2 - Episode 7 - Abigail Disney, Producer - Films & Series - Life Stories

As the granddaughter of Roy Disney, co-founder (with his younger brother Walt) of the entertainment empire that has made her surname synonymous with family values and commercial success, award-winning filmmaker, activist and philanthropist Abigail Disney could easily have rested on a family inheritance of fame and fortune and led a quiet life of comfortable privilege.  Instead, she has chosen a bold path of promoting societal change by producing documentary films that highlight peace and social justice, particularly focusing on women who are making a difference.  Ms. Disney is also one of the nation’s most vocal champions on the issue of wealth inequality, including fearlessly challenging the corporate practices of the company that bears her name. This episode of The Thread is a visit with one of the rarest of people – a person who unselfishly uses the gift of her birthright to change our world for the better.

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